28 December 2010

Euratlas-Info 33

On 18 November 2010, at the Social Science History Association Meeting, Marc-Antoine Nüssli presented Euratlas activity to an audience of about thirty researchers in historical geography. The auditors were very interested in our concept. It's worth to notice the discussant raised that the uncertain boundaries should be left blank when attested scientific data are missing, instead of being simply blurred. In fact, the Georeferenced Historical Vector Data allow each user to choose the entities he wants to treat.
You can see here the Euratlas presentation in PDF format and also a moredetailed article on this topic.

We have improved the Physical Atlas of Europe. Now, you will find 127 mountains in the orography pages, 124 rivers in the hydrography pages, 319 towns in the cities pages, 69 states for the countries and 12 special territories. Note that the countries of the European Union are all shown within the borders of this wide supranational entity.
Please, update your bookmarks.

PERIODIS BIG MAPS 1100, 1000 & 600
The detailed historical maps of Europe in 1100 AD, 1000 AD and 600 AD are ready now for the Euratlas-Info subscribers.
As usual, these maps were made with Euratlas Periodis Expert and this series will continue, of course, at each Euratlas-Info issue.

As the Euratlas Historical Vector Data are georeferenced, they can easily be overlaid on Google Earth maps. Here are 2 examples. The first one shows the provinces of the Roman Empire in DCCCLIII AB URBE CONDITA, that is'853 years from the founding of Rome' or 100 AD. The second image shows also the Roman Empire in year 100 but with the present day boundariesdrawn in yellow. At a highest zoom level, one could also add the modern place-names or roads.
Both maps are available in JPG format for Euratlas-Info subscribers only.

ATLAS OF ISLAM 1800-2000
The Atlas der islamischen Welt, by Dr Andreas Birken, is now available as hardcover in English (Brill, 2010). It covers the history of the Islamic world from 1800 until 2000. Through 85 maps, it offers accessible surveys on population, history, politics, religion, and the economy. Colonialism and de-colonization are covered for the whole Islamic world, including post-USSR Central Asia.
This atlas contains also detailed maps about Iraq and the Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the issues of water management. Moreover the index lists variants of all place-names.

We wish you joy and happiness for 2011.
Euratlas - C. Nüssli, December 2010

14 October 2010


During the 35th Annual Social Science History Association Meeting, “Power and Politics”, on 18 November 2010 (12:15 PM-02:15 PM), in downtown Chicago, Palmer House Hilton, Marc-Antoine Nüssli, Euratlas software engineer, will participate to the session 'New Directions in Historical GIS (2)'and present 'Euratlas: From Historical Mapping To Historical Geographical Information System.'

Here are now, for Euratlas-Info subscribers only, the detailed historical maps of Europe in 1200 AD and in 1700 AD. These maps were made with Euratlas Periodis Expert and we will continue with this series at each Euratlas-Info issue.
You have to take into account that Euratlas Periodis is capable to display the whole continent and, simultaneously, tiny provinces or towns at higher zoom levels. That is why, when all Europe is shown, several small provinces cannot be labeled. These functions, as well as powerful editing possibilities are only available in the software Periodis Expert.

In 1809 at Niš, after a victory against the insurgents, the Ottoman commander Hursid Pasha erected a tower with the skulls of the defeated in order to frighten the Serbian population. This structure was preserved to remember the courage of the ancestors and can still be seen.
Romuliana Felix was a palatial complex built by Emperor Galerius in about 300 AD. The ruins are at Gamzigrad, near Zaječar, in the Timok river basin. There, on 21 July 2010, excavations have revealed a unique marble statue portraying a dog biting a wild boar.
You will see pictures of Niš, Romuliana Felix wild boar and of many other places in our new Serbia section of Europe Photos.
Several photos have been added as well in the pages of Italy, Hungary andSlovakia.

08 July 2010

Euratlas-Info 31

Euratlas Periodis Web is useful to see the position and evolution of the ancient states but, since it doesn't show the provinces and dependencies, some users have difficulties in exploring the past centuries. That is why we are preparing, for Euratlas-Info members only, detailed historical maps of Europe. These maps, realized with the Periodis Expert 'Customize View' function are offering an in-depth view of European history. For now, only the years 1300, 1400, 1500 and 1600 are available in English and French, but we will present more centuries later.
The big maps are watermarked but, if you use Periodis Expert, you will be able to produce images without imprints.

The Periodis Web default maps are in 'owner mode'. That means that only the sovereign or 'owner' states are shown, vassal or 'holder' states being always included in their official dominant state. Of course, Periodis Expertoffers a 'Show Dependencies' mode but if you need to display the dependent states on the web, you can:
  • click on the quarter of maps: Northwest etc.
  • use the historical gazetteer,
  • display the Euratlas-Info big maps.
Let us recall that the dependent or 'holder' states are surrounded by a dotted line having the same color as the dominant or 'owner' state.

EUROPE PHOTOS Some new pictures have been added in the Europe Photos section. You will discover new photos of Poland, Northern Germany, Swiss Plateau, Swiss Mountains and Northern France.

You will receive our next newsletter at the beginning of the school year. In the meantime, enjoy the sunny summer days.
Euratlas - C. Nüssli, July 2010

23 May 2010

Euratlas-Info 30

Here is now an online a simplified version of our historical atlas and database of Europe: Periodis Expert.
Periodis Web is presented as a gazetteer and, for each century from AD 1 to AD 2000, you can display the position of each sovereign state and of each dependent entity. You will notice that the sovereign states are highlited in red while the dependencies are shown in green. Note that if you want to see a more detailed map, especially the provinces borders or the exact area of the dependencies, you will have to zoom in by clicking on the main map or by choosing Northwest, Northeast etc.. Of course the full functionalities, provinces and cities names, relief, custom maps and search functions are only available in Periodis Expert.

"Actually, I did check the schools library today. Of the 12 historical atlases, none of them had the detail or usefulness of the Euratlas one..." (multiplayerhub.com - 18 Mar 2010, 10:34)

Take advantage of the promotional price!
Until June 1, 2010:Existing customers of the Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe enjoy 15 € more discount on the above prices while customers of Periodis Basic version enjoy 10 € discount.
If you are an existing customer and haven't yet received your coupon code, write us to get it.

See the Lepanto battle site, Sheikh Bedreddin, Siegfried von Feuchtwangen, the walls of Trogir, Liutprand's Basin and much more historical images. Time Pictures is a freely illustrated chronology of Europe and the Mediterranean basin, counting now 144 pictures. If you need more information on a subject, you can use Wikipedia as a basis for starting your research.

We will improve now our physical atlas of Europe. In the meantime, we wish you a nice summer in Europe.
Euratlas - C. Nüssli, May 2010

26 February 2010

Euratlas-Info 29

Finally Periodis Expert is ready.
It is the only program that allows to explore the history of Europe and to create historical custom maps. As you know, Periodis Expert offers 21 vectors maps, one for each centennial year, from AD 1 to AD 2000. All the maps are in vector mode so that you can zoom in up to a scale of 150 meters per pixel. Moreover you can choose to display or to hide any layer that is any physical or political feature. What's more, search functions are provided and the user will be able to find a specific land or place throughout 2000 years, each entity being characterized by its contemporary name and by its usual variant name.

Periodis Expert is available either in English,French or German.

Download now the demo version.

Here is an eight pages comic strip with maps and pictures narrating succinctly the history of Europe from year 1 to year 500. Of course all the maps were created with Periodis Expert and only Euratlas-Info members can download it in full as a PDF document.

Thanks to Periodis Expert, we have also prepared a video showing a brief history of Europe in maps, from year 1 to year 1000, with pictures and concise explanation. The sound track is an adaptation from Telemanns Watermusik made fit for the 21st century by Andreas Birken. The maps, photos and text are by Christos Nüssli and the slide composition by Roland Chabloz.
Nevertheless, you can still view also our previous video 2000 Years History in Europe, made 2 years ago.


Periodis Expert is offered in 3 licenses:Until June 1, 2010, promotional price:
Existing customers of the Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe enjoy 15 € more discount on the above prices while customers of Periodis Basic version enjoy 10 € discount.
If you are an existing customer and haven't yet received your coupon code, write us to get it.

We will prepare now an online version of Periodis Expert with simplified maps.

In the meantime, we wish you a beautiful spring.

Euratlas - C. Nüssli, February 2009