Henri the Navigator, Ferdinand Magellan, boats, bridges and sea, there is now a Portugal chapter in Europe Photo. Moreover, as a member Euratlas-Info, you can download a printable map of Portugal, blank or labeled, in color or grey shades, in English or French. This map is adapted for school tests and shows the districts of the country, the main rivers and mountain ranges.
Now the Euratlas Georeferenced Historical Vector Data licences are ready for 21 centuries. Let us recall these historical databases include the shapes, long form names, short form names, political status and dependencies - i. e. owner and holder entities - of all the known European countries for each century from year 1 until year 2000. Moreover, all the known first and second level administrative divisions are provided and the databases include also nearly 3000 places and towns, with their importance degree and local name of the time, to help location. These data allow you to modify and organize spatially your own map and are particularly adapted for:
- historical, archeological or cultural researches,
- creation of exhibition or museum wall maps,
- textbooks or national historical maps,
- educational or strategy games.
In the Euratlas Shop, you will find for each century a .zip archive containing a sample file, and a link towards the bibliography and, on the same page, a small summary map.
Now the Euratlas Georeferenced Historical Vector Data licences are ready for 21 centuries. Let us recall these historical databases include the shapes, long form names, short form names, political status and dependencies - i. e. owner and holder entities - of all the known European countries for each century from year 1 until year 2000. Moreover, all the known first and second level administrative divisions are provided and the databases include also nearly 3000 places and towns, with their importance degree and local name of the time, to help location. These data allow you to modify and organize spatially your own map and are particularly adapted for:
- historical, archeological or cultural researches,
- creation of exhibition or museum wall maps,
- textbooks or national historical maps,
- educational or strategy games.
In the Euratlas Shop, you will find for each century a .zip archive containing a sample file, and a link towards the bibliography and, on the same page, a small summary map.
The new versions of the Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe are still in progress. The new Expert version will be a dedicated program with excellent zoom and powerful search options and several display choices. It will be possible to create customized maps by choosing which information to display or not: countries, rivers, mountains, provinces, cities, short names, long names, political dependencies etc.
The new Basic version will be a simple .pdf document with high resolution maps, 10 000 pixels wide. Here you can download a slightly reduced map from this version: the map of the Balkans and Western Anatolia in year 1300, just before the Almogavar campaign, with the Turkish beyliks and the Latin states in Greece.
Of course, all existing customers of an Expert or Basic version will benefit of an upgrade price for the new equivalent version.
The new versions of the Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe are still in progress. The new Expert version will be a dedicated program with excellent zoom and powerful search options and several display choices. It will be possible to create customized maps by choosing which information to display or not: countries, rivers, mountains, provinces, cities, short names, long names, political dependencies etc.
The new Basic version will be a simple .pdf document with high resolution maps, 10 000 pixels wide. Here you can download a slightly reduced map from this version: the map of the Balkans and Western Anatolia in year 1300, just before the Almogavar campaign, with the Turkish beyliks and the Latin states in Greece.
Of course, all existing customers of an Expert or Basic version will benefit of an upgrade price for the new equivalent version.
A new version of the Physical map of Europe is available now for Corel Draw and Illustrator users. In addition to the 200 m., 500 m. 1000 m., 2000 m. and 3500 m. contour lines and to the rivers and to 2600 populated places, you will find in it the shapes of the European countries with their borders of 2009.
The vector files are provided in 24 layers but Corel Draw users need only 18 layers as the towns names and the long and short form names of the countries are available as ObjectData. Moreover, the first level administrative divisions (regions, states or communities) are given for the United Kingdom, for France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece.
A new version of the Physical map of Europe is available now for Corel Draw and Illustrator users. In addition to the 200 m., 500 m. 1000 m., 2000 m. and 3500 m. contour lines and to the rivers and to 2600 populated places, you will find in it the shapes of the European countries with their borders of 2009.
The vector files are provided in 24 layers but Corel Draw users need only 18 layers as the towns names and the long and short form names of the countries are available as ObjectData. Moreover, the first level administrative divisions (regions, states or communities) are given for the United Kingdom, for France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece.
The map of the Carolingian Empire in 814 from the Victor Duruy Atlas historique de la France, the map of Italy about the 5th century B.C. from the Drioux & Leroy Atlas universel de Géographie and a World map of 1808 from the Atlas historique et géographique by Las Cases alias Lesage can be downloaded in high resolution by all Euratlas-Info subscribers.
The map of the Carolingian Empire in 814 from the Victor Duruy Atlas historique de la France, the map of Italy about the 5th century B.C. from the Drioux & Leroy Atlas universel de Géographie and a World map of 1808 from the Atlas historique et géographique by Las Cases alias Lesage can be downloaded in high resolution by all Euratlas-Info subscribers.
Documents and products mentioned above are in the new Euratlas-Info and Euratlas Shop pages. These pages have been revised to become more ergonomic and are now easier to navigate.
Euratlas-Info has 7 sections:
- Europe Maps: blank or labeled printable maps of Europe,
- Countries of Europe: blank or labeled printable maps of European countries,
- World Maps: blank or labeled printable world maps,
- History Maps: vector or raster Euratlas history maps,
- Antique Maps: digitized old maps and prints,
- Pictures of Europe: high resolution photos from the Europe Photo branch,
- Back Issues: all previous issues of the present newsletter from nr 11.
As Euratlas-Info members, you can freely download all the maps and pictures listed above.
In addition, the Euratlas Shop has 4 sections:
- Historical Atlases: Mitteleuropatlas, Germany 1789, Hisatlas etc.
- Antique Maps: various digitized antique maps or atlases
- Vector Maps: Georeferenced Vector Data and Map of Europe 2009
- References: links towards third parties references books
Documents and products mentioned above are in the new Euratlas-Info and Euratlas Shop pages. These pages have been revised to become more ergonomic and are now easier to navigate.
Euratlas-Info has 7 sections:
- Europe Maps: blank or labeled printable maps of Europe,
- Countries of Europe: blank or labeled printable maps of European countries,
- World Maps: blank or labeled printable world maps,
- History Maps: vector or raster Euratlas history maps,
- Antique Maps: digitized old maps and prints,
- Pictures of Europe: high resolution photos from the Europe Photo branch,
- Back Issues: all previous issues of the present newsletter from nr 11.
As Euratlas-Info members, you can freely download all the maps and pictures listed above.
In addition, the Euratlas Shop has 4 sections:
- Historical Atlases: Mitteleuropatlas, Germany 1789, Hisatlas etc.
- Antique Maps: various digitized antique maps or atlases
- Vector Maps: Georeferenced Vector Data and Map of Europe 2009
- References: links towards third parties references books
We are still progressing in the process of creation and translation of the new versions, Expert and Basic, of the Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe and we hope that the new basic version will be available in June. Feel free to ask us any further question.
We wish you a nice spring
We wish you a nice spring
Christos Nüssli
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